A study conducted at Canadian financial institutions found that managers who most frequently used humor also had the highest level of employee performance.
In addition to improving performance, studies show that laughter has numerous benefits:
- Engages the whole brain making us sharper
- Lightens the load
- Fosters a positive work environment
- Helps workers re-charge
- Makes people happy at work
- Reduces stress
- Connects people building trust and resulting in better customer service and team spirit
A Wharton study found that laughter promotes creativity and greater analytical precision. So, not only are your employees inspired to perform, they actually perform better.
To start adding humor to your workplace, you may want to consider posting a new funny sign in a central area daily or at least weekly. There are numerous places to find these funny items, especially on the Internet. Start by doing a search for “funny quotes.”
Introduce laughter into your workplace and watch what happens to your productivity levels.
Silver Rose is an Employee Engagement Thought Leader who works with organizations to implement practical, proven and time-saving strategies for: (1) improving employee engagement; (2) increasing profitability; and (3) freeing leadership from the need to micro-manage. Sign up for her FREE Blog at: www.SilverSpeaks.com or info@SilverSpeaks.com.